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What Do These Results Mean?

Writer's picture: EnviroHomeEnviroHome

The Florida Department of Health collects results of all radon testing performed in the state of Florida. Companies, professionals, and labs that take radon measurements submit monthly reports to the Department of Health with the results of those tests. Included in those reports are the location of the test performed, what level of radon was measured at the location, information about the building type, and the testing mechanism. This aggregated information is available on the Florida Department of Health website however, we are happy to provide these results directly to you on our website. We update these tests monthly as the Florida Department of Health receives new results.

How should you interpret these results?

If your zip code shows up on our list with results of radon tests above 4 pCi/L, it does not necessarily mean your home or building also has radon. What it does mean is other buildings in your area are experiencing higher than recommended levels of radon and mitigation may be necessary. In fact, mitigation on those buildings may already be underway.

Why are we publishing these results?

Historically Florida does not have a strong presence of ground source radon so for a while it was thought radon was not an issue in the state's buildings and homes. However, we have found there is a strong presence of radon in the building materials commonly used throughout the state which release unsafe levels of radon into the indoor air. Additionally, increasingly more airtight building practices have been implemented to achieve energy conservation and storm-proofing which means ventilation has greatly decreased allowing radon to build up in a home’s air.

It is important to EnviroHome to demonstrate that even though there is not a strong presence of ground source radon in the state, there is an urgent need for regular radon testing of all homes and buildings to rule out the presence of building material emanation. We hope this list can be used as a tool to further demonstrate that urgency.

We recommend radon testing at least every two years, possibly more often if you have pre-existing health issues that may be exacerbated by exposure to radon. Additionally, if you are undergoing a large construction project on your house, it is important to test your indoor radon levels when the construction is complete. Any change in the home or building’s indoor pressure can mean more radon is entering the home. Common things that impact a home’s pressure include; new air conditioning or heating systems, improperly sealed entry pathways like pocket lights or plumbing channels, and ventilation points like windows or doors.

What happens if your home or building needs to be mitigated?

First, don’t worry. EnviroHome has expert engineers and architects on staff to diagnose the source issue of your property. Since each property is different, our team will conduct several tests to ensure our mitigation design is effective and then present you with the options. Mitigation can be a very simple and cost-effective process that has the added benefit of improving your indoor air quality overall and increasing your home’s resale value.

Questions about radon in your home or property?

Call or email us now



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